Monday, July 27, 2009

So Long El Fiero

7-27-09 - From the ashes shall rise a new and better EV!

I know it's been a long time since I blogged, but that's life. The winter got me thinking and I have a new and better plan for an EV. So in the process, something had to go and El Fiero drew the short straw. As you will read in my new blog - GOT-EV - I needed something that was more practical and easier for "me" to drive. So I gutted the Fiero of all EV components and they will soon be in my 1996 Geo Tracker.
There is still a bunch of good stuff here for a first time EV'er, so feel free to check things out. I will try to link my new page to this one so the saga can continue.
Until then...